
VVVS 2024


To build a global forum for deeper scientific interactions in the Vedic and Allied Sciences with Modern Sciences.
To establish network of individuals, institutions working in Oriental and Modern Sciences for sharing knowledge and resources.
To promote interdisciplinary research, technology comprising interfaces in the Vedic and Allied Sciences with Modern Sciences as holistic and integrative solutions.
To integrate the Vedic and modern perspectives which will lead to creation of new knowledge for achieving sustainable development goals.
The objective of the fourth VVVS is to mainstream the वैदिक विज्ञान by connecting the जीवन दर्शन, ज्ञान and विज्ञान to the दृष्टी, परम्परा and लौकिक प्रयोजन for the welfare of the world.

Darśana Dṛşți

The unique perspectives that makes this knowledge system 'Indian' and valuable to the world.

Jñāna Paramaparā

The continuous knowledge traditions of Bharata since time immemorial.

Vijñāna Laukika prayojana

The practical utility to solve current and emerging problems of India and the world.

Scope of Topics for VVVS 2024

4 Vedas, 6 vedangas, 4 upangas (itihasa puranas, dharma shastras, darshanas), 4 upavedas (Ayurveda, Dhanurveda, Gandharva veda, Sthapatya Veda).

64 kalas

VVVS 2024

Our Official

VIJNANA BHARATI (VIBHA) - Organizing Partner
SASTRA (Deemed To Be University) - Academic Partner